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Deploying and Running Argo Workflows for AI/ML on OpenShift

·3 mins· 0
Technical Guide OpenShift AI/ML Argo Workflows Data Science OpenShift
Table of Contents
AI/ML OCP Tooling - This article is part of a series.
Part 4: This Article

Synopsis #

In this post, we will explore the role of Argo Workflows in managing and automating AI/ML tasks on OpenShift. We’ll cover what Argo Workflows is, how it fits into our AI/ML ecosystem, and how you can get started with it.

Introduction #

Argo Workflows is a Kubernetes-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes. It’s designed to handle complex, data-intensive, and compute-intensive tasks - making it ideal for AI/ML workloads.

Argo Workflows and AI/ML #

Argo Workflows provides a number of features that are especially beneficial for AI/ML workloads:

  • Pipeline Orchestration: Argo allows you to define complex workflows where multiple tasks are executed in sequence or in parallel.
  • Artifact Management: Argo supports passing artifacts (like data or models) between tasks in a workflow. This is particularly useful for ML workflows where the output of one stage (e.g., model training) is the input for another stage (e.g., model evaluation).
  • Integration with Kubernetes: Being Kubernetes-native, Argo Workflows can leverage features like scalability and fault tolerance provided by Kubernetes.

Deploying Argo Workflows on OpenShift #

Let’s look at an example of deploying Argo Workflows on an OpenShift cluster:

  1. Install the Argo Workflows Operator from the OperatorHub in the OpenShift web console.

  2. Create an ArgoCD instance:

kind: ArgoCD
  name: argocd
  namespace: argocd
      enabled: true

Setting Up an Initial Argo Workflow Pipeline #

With Argo Workflows installed, you can define workflows using the Workflow custom resource. Each Workflow consists of a series of steps, which can run scripts, commands, or even other Workflows.

Here’s an example of a basic ML workflow pipeline with Argo:

kind: Workflow
  generateName: ml-pipeline-
  entrypoint: ml-pipeline
  - name: ml-pipeline
    - - name: pre-processing
        template: python-script
          - name: script
            value: |
                            # Python script for data pre-processing
    - - name: model-training
        template: python-script
          - name: script
            value: |
                            # Python script for model training
    - - name: model-evaluation
        template: python-script
          - name: script
            value: |
                            # Python script for model evaluation
  - name: python-script
      - name: script
      image: python:3.7
      command: [python]
      source: |

This workflow consists of three steps: data pre-processing, model training, and model evaluation. Each step runs a Python script in a Python 3.7 Docker container.

Conclusion #

Argo Workflows offers a powerful, flexible way to manage your AI/ML workloads on OpenShift. Its pipeline orchestration, artifact management, and deep integration with Kubernetes make it an ideal choice for complex ML tasks.

References #

  1. Argo Workflows Documentation
  2. Argo Workflows Operator on OperatorHub
  3. AI/ML pipelines using Open Data Hub and Kubeflow on Red Hat OpenShift | Red Hat Developer

AI/ML OCP Tooling - This article is part of a series.
Part 4: This Article