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Demo: 3 Exciting Ways to Leverage Locally Served Large Language Models

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Technical Guide Demo OpenAI OpenShift Open Data Hub Kubeflow AI/ML LLM Red Hat Demo Seldon Model Training Data Science OpenShift
Table of Contents
OpenAI on OpenShift - This article is part of a series.
Part 4: This Article

Synopsis #

In this post, we’re going to demonstrate three distinct ways to utilize a locally served OpenAI Large Language Model (LLM) on an OpenShift cluster. We will start with the model trained on Red Hat Documentation from the previous post. The other two examples will demonstrate technical, yet different, uses of a locally served LLM.

Introduction #

Locally served Large Language Models offer a wealth of opportunities for innovative applications. Their ability to understand and generate human-like text makes them versatile tools in various technical and creative domains. Let’s explore three exciting examples.

1. Red Hat Documentation Q&A Bot #

Using the model we trained on Red Hat’s documentation, we can create a technical Q&A bot. This bot can provide quick, accurate answers to technical questions based on Red Hat’s documentation.

  1. Accessing the Model:

The model can be accessed through the REST API endpoint provided by Seldon. Send a POST request with a question as input to the model:

curl -X POST http://<seldon-endpoint>/api/v0.1/predictions -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"strData": "What is the command to create a new project in OpenShift?"}'
  1. Utilizing the Model:

The model will return the answer based on its training on Red Hat documentation. This capability can be integrated into a chatbot UI, a command-line tool, or even a ticketing system for technical support.

2. Code Review Assistant #

We can train an LLM to review code and provide useful feedback. For this example, we’ll use a model trained on a large dataset of Python code and associated reviews.

  1. Accessing the Model:

As before, the model can be accessed through the REST API endpoint provided by Seldon.

  1. Utilizing the Model:

To get a code review, you can send the code snippet as a string input to the model. For instance:

curl -X POST http://<seldon-endpoint>/api/v0.1/predictions -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"strData": "def add(a, b):\n    return a+b"}'

The model will return feedback based on its training, such as suggestions to improve code readability or performance.

3. Natural Language Interface for Database Queries #

An LLM can be trained to translate natural language queries into SQL queries. For this example, we’ll use a model trained on a dataset of natural language questions paired with SQL queries.

  1. Accessing the Model:

The model can be accessed through the Seldon REST API endpoint.

  1. Utilizing the Model:

You can send a natural language question as an input to the model. For instance:

curl -X POST http://<seldon-endpoint>/api/v0.1/predictions -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"strData": "What is the total revenue for product X in 2023?"}'

The model will return a SQL query that can be executed against your database to retrieve the required data.

Conclusion #

These examples illustrate the versatility of Large Language Models served locally on an OpenShift cluster. From technical Q&A bots and code review assistants to natural language interfaces for databases, the possibilities are only limited by our imagination (or the imagination of your LLM-idea generator bot).

References #

  1. Hugging Face – The AI community building the future. - The leading community for open source development around AI.
  2. openai/openai-cookbook
  3. Kaggle - Probably THE most popular site for free Data Science datasets.
  4. Integrating Graph Knowledge into End-to-End Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
  5. OpenShift Documentation

OpenAI on OpenShift - This article is part of a series.
Part 4: This Article