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Setting Up a Self-hosted Quay Registry in a Private OpenShift Cluster

·2 mins· 0
Technical Technical Guide Private Network Private Registry Quay OpenShift
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In this blog post, we’ll explore how to set up a self-hosted Quay registry within a private OpenShift cluster. Quay is a powerful and flexible container registry by Red Hat that offers a number of features such as built-in image scanning, automated builds, and much more.

Why Quay? #

Quay provides a more feature-rich and flexible option compared to the integrated Docker registry in OpenShift. With Quay, you can take advantage of robust security features, a user-friendly web interface, and advanced image management capabilities, making it an ideal choice for enterprise-level applications.

Setting Up Quay in OpenShift #

Quay can be deployed on OpenShift using the Quay Operator. This Operator simplifies the deployment and management of Quay and its dependencies. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Install the Quay Operator
oc new-project quay-enterprise
oc apply -f
  1. Deploy Quay

Create a QuayEcosystem resource to deploy Quay and its dependencies. You can customize the resource to suit your needs. Below is a basic example:

kind: QuayEcosystem
  name: quayecosystem
  namespace: quay-enterprise
    imagePullSecretName: redhat-pull-secret
    enabled: true
    imagePullSecretName: redhat-pull-secret
    imagePullSecretName: redhat-pull-secret
  1. Access Quay

Once Quay is up and running, you can access it through its route:

oc get route quayecosystem-quay -n quay-enterprise
  1. Mirror Images

With Quay up and running, you can now mirror images from public registries to your Quay registry. Here’s an example:

skopeo copy --all \
    docker:// \

Key Considerations #

  • Security: Quay comes with built-in security features such as Clair for vulnerability scanning and the ability to create robot accounts with limited and time-bound permissions.

  • Storage: Like any registry, Quay requires a substantial amount of storage. While it can use the cluster’s storage, you might want to use external storage for scalability and performance.

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Ensure you have processes in place for backing up and restoring your Quay data to ensure business continuity.

Conclusion #

Setting up a self-hosted Quay registry in your private OpenShift cluster provides a secure, reliable, and feature-rich source of container images for your applications. It does require more setup and maintenance compared to the integrated Docker registry, but the benefits make it a worthwhile investment for many organizations.

References #